Love is in the morning
When you wake up and smile at me
Love is in the morning
When you wake up early crying
Love is going slow
As we walk in the sunny garden
Love is going fast,
Rushing to get dinner started
Sometimes love is clean,
You put your shoes up by the door
Sometimes love is messy,
Black beans all over the floor
Sometimes love is quiet,
And we need no words at all
Sometimes love is loud,
Running, yelling, bouncing balls
Love is when we play together
Happy as can be
Love is when I say “I’m sorry”
‘Cause mommy can get angry
Love is drawing near
And hiding you from the world
Love is letting go
And teaching you to learn
Sometimes love can hurt,
Or make you feel like you’re flying
Love is fierce and dangerous,
The greatest Lion of lions
Love is never easy,
And it always asks for risk
But there’s safety in the dark
With a goodnight’s kiss
Look at the stars, my son
I have that many reasons
Find my hand upon your back
In every single season
A note about this poem: I started writing this when my son was 19 months old, inspired by one of the books we read together "Love, I love you all the time" by Emma Dodd.